Complet gearbox M150 with motor - stock wire set

Complet gearbox M150 with motor - stock wire set View larger
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Complet torque-up reinforced gearbox from AimTop with the High torque motor. Easy upgrade. Just swap old gearbox with ths new one. Gearbox is designed for M4/M16 AEGs with the long barrels and wiring to the back.  Set include:...
Complet torque-up reinforced gearbox from AimTop with the High torque motor. Easy upgrade. Just swap old gearbox with ths new one. Gearbox is designed for M4/M16 AEGs with the long barrels and wiring to the back.  Set include:  Reinforced gearbox 2  High Torque-up gear set  Low resistant wiring  8mm ball bearings  Spring M150  Metal spring guide with the bearing  Light piston wih full metal teeth  Back pressure pison head with bearng  Stainless cylinder head with double sealing  Sealing nozzle
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: AimTop

Complet torque-up reinforced gearbox from AimTop with the High torque motor. Easy upgrade. Just swap old gearbox with ths new one. Gearbox is designed for M4/M16 AEGs with the long barrels and wiring to the back. 

Set include:

 Reinforced gearbox 2
 High Torque-up gear set
 Low resistant wiring
 8mm ball bearings
 Spring M150
 Metal spring guide with the bearing
 Light piston wih full metal teeth
 Back pressure pison head with bearng
 Stainless cylinder head with double sealing
 Sealing nozzle